If you’re a summer camp alum, and you had some extra wishes lying around, would you use one to go back to summer camp? If you could go back today, what would you do?
We asked and you answered, on Facebook and on Twitter.
Here’s some of what your fellow camp alums had to say. We challenged them to finish this sentence:
If I could go back to Camp, I would:
…have to take my husband with me (from the Camp Nurse 91-92)
…sort dirty laundry in HQ!!!
…eat sloppy joes
…coach our 7th grade girl’s softball team to victory…again!!!
…wear warmer clothes…lol…oh and hike
…Find out who really lived in that House that we all thought was Haunted back in the sixties. Anyone remember that house?
What would you do if you could go back to camp today? Use the comments section to let us know!