How do we love our people? Let us count the ways.
We love y’all deeper than Sly Lake and taller than the pines surrounding Main Camp when feeling out of sight for the memories of summer using the videos of Ben.
We love you to the level of your favorite EA, by the warm summer sun and flashlight time.
We love you freely, as campers dance and jump and sing at dinnertime.
We love you purely, as staff members serve for the fun of it.
We love you with joy put to use
On rainy days and with a youthful faith.
We love you with an awesomeness we’ll never lose
With the lost and found. We love y’all with laughter of arrival,
Smiles and tears of goodbye all summer and winter long; And, should Fortune choose,
We’ll do it all again next summer because it’s an experience without rival.
*Apologies to Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning on whose wonderful poem, How Do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43), this was modeled.